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Diary Dates
September 2024 - June 2025
Term 1
Tuesday 10th September - Thursday 24th October
(7 weeks)
Saturday 14th Sept - Saturday 19th October
(6 weeks)
No classes Saturday 26th October, Tuesday 28th October and Thursday 30th October
Term 2
Saturday 2nd November - Saturday 14th December
(7 weeks)
Tuesday 5th November - Thursday 12th December
(6 weeks)
Christmas Holidays
There will be no classes running on:
Tuesday 17th/ 24th/ 31st December
Thursday 19th/26th December and 3rd January
Saturday 21st/28th December
Term 3
Saturday 4th January until Saturday 15h February (7 weeks)
Tuesday 7th February until Tuesday 11th February (6 weeks)
Thursday 9th January until Thursday 13th February (6 weeks)
February Mid Term Break
There will be no classes on Tuesday 18th, Thursday 20th and Saturday 22nd February
Term 4
Commences on Tuesday 25th February
Ballet Show @Mermaid Theatre
Saturday 29th/ Sunday 30th March
Please note that all dates are subject to change. In the event of venue closure/ staff absence additional 'make up' dates may be added.
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